Sunday, December 2, 2012

Project 7 - Second Life -- Real Self

Real self -- living in Reno, full time worker & student, chicken owner, animal lover, foodie, and dreamer.

Here are a couple of screen shots for my work in progress. Unfortunately, I ran into some issues when working on my self image. I was able to upload the image I was working off of onto Second Life but as I worked on my head appearance I had two faces. The one I edited to look like my face and the image from the photo I chose to use. I was not able to figure out out to delete the Second Life head image. Because of how odd the two faces looked together I decided not to show that screen shot in this post. I just looked like the female version of the boogie man...I stick with this more presentable version of my self.

For my fantasy self, I am hoping to go back in time. I really like the idea of going back in time to my child self, when the thought of what I wanted to be when I grew up, was not as realistic as I am now as an adult. I wanted to be everything, so in my fantasy self I will do just that! Being a dreamer, a cowboy, a fairy, a world traveler and a world peace keeper, and dressed in comfortable clothing. Comfortable is the best!

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